Saturday, July 30, 2011

Report of the Library Director for July 2011

Nooks ready to circulate! – Summer Finale Aug 20th – Collection size reaches max.

Circulation – This month’s figures are estimates due to the early date of our Trustee meeting.
Circulation for July estimated 5,500 items. This is an increase from last month (10.6% increase), but not quite as high as July of last year (~9.0% decrease).
I’ll report accurate numbers on items checked out at Upton’s circulation desk and holds placed after the month ends.
Our Laptops were checked out 36 times in July.

Digital Content Use
BYKI: We need to re-evaluate how much BYKI is being used. As I checked our usage stats today, I realized I’ve been reporting the previous year of use, not the previous month, so our actual usage is much lower than I thought. In July, 14 users accessed byki for a total of 5 hours.
Wowbrary: 8 new users signed up for Wowbrary, for a total of 83 active subscribers, and the newsletters produced 53 click throughs to the library catalog.
Overdrive: eBook circulation to Upton patrons: 92, eAudio circulations:

New Patron Registrations

34 new patrons registered in July.
Collection Development
We added approximately 155 items to our collection in July.
Passport Applications Processed in July: 2

Highlights from ARIS report
The annual report to the MBLC on our activity and services is due at the end of August. Here are some interesting facts that have appeared in the data so far:

For the first year since at least 2000, and maybe the first year ever, our total number of physical items owned has decreased. We went down from 31,811 in July 2010 to 30,513 in July 2011. We’ve been moving shelves and shifting things around to squeeze in a few more items each year, and now we’ve finally hit our limit.

Our interlibrary loan activity was almost identical to last year, with Upton borrowing 10,267 items from other libraries, and loaning out 8,598 items to other communities.

Our number of registered borrowers continues to increase, with 4,408 active Upton library cards. 3,875 of those borrowers live in the Town of Upton. That means over 50% of the residents of Upton are registered Library patrons.

Circulation numbers from FY10 to FY11 are very similar, with only slight fluctuations. The only significant changes were in adult periodicals, which are 30% increased, and children’s videos, which are 10% decreased.

Nook eReaders

Our Nook eReaders have been purchased and are ready to circulate.
After looking through numerous other library’s policies and procedures for circulating ereaders, I have a policy for Upton to recommend for approval by the trustees, in the document “Upton Town Library Nook Policy”. Some key points from the policy: eReaders only circulate to patrons over 18 years old; residents of other certified towns are eligible to borrow, but they are walk-in loan only, they will not be sent in the delivery system. Lost or damaged eReaders are subject to a $150 replacement charge. I have decided not to circulate the power cord for the eReaders. Battery life should be long enough for the 3 week loan period, and I’d rather not risk losing the cords or having them improperly charged.
I have purchased an initial 30 titles of content. The process for purchasing content is very simple and easy, I appreciate the Town Manager and Treasurer working with me to figure out the logistics of purchasing digital items.
If the Trustees approve the circulation policies, the Nooks will be ready to check out August 2nd.

Meeting Space Policy

Worcester Public Library has been in the news lately due to a controversy over their meeting space policy. Apparently, a white supremacist group had been quietly holding meetings at the Worcester library, and in February other patrons became aware of the group, which led to physical altercations within the library, threats of more violence being made requiring a police presence inside the library, and organized protestors picketing outside the library.
The Trustees of Worcester Library have since banned this group from meeting at the library, but they did so on the basis that threats of violence had been made, not based on the content of the meetings.
Luckily, we haven’t encountered any racial or political conflict among patrons of the Upton Library, but I thought this would be a good opportunity to review our own policy on use of library space.
Our current policy basically says “Library space can be used at the discretion of the Library Director.” It doesn’t provide any specific guidelines, unlike our exhibits policy which specifically describes prohibited groups and activities.
This summer we’ve seen an increase in the number of private tutors and a private (for-profit) literacy program. Some libraries prohibit use of their space for profit-making enterprises. I’d like the Trustees to either affirm our current practices or decide to reconsider our policies.

Technology Nights
After two successful Technology workshops in June, both of our July sessions were cancelled because no one attended. I believe the lack of participation was due to two factors: less popular topics and less publicity of the program. For the August sessions I am doing a repeat of the popular “downloading ebooks from the library” topic, and I will do more advertising.

Summer Reading Program

Halfway through the Summer Reading Program we have 401 children registered for the program, and we’ve consistently had 175-180 children claim their reading incentive each week.
72 people attended the “Small World Magic Show”, an event funded by the Upton Cultural Council.


Library book group: 6 people met on July 27th. During the summer months, I’ve consistently had difficulty accessing school grounds for meetings, so I’m moving the book group meetings back to the Knowlton-Risteen building, and we’ll just deal with any accessibility issues if they arise.
Senior book group: 6 people met on July 5th.
Thursday storytime averaged 10 children per session for 4 sessions.
TinyTots lapsit is not held during the summer months.
Library Table: 4 visits, averaged 8 patrons and 20 items.
Lego Days: 7 sessions, total participation 40.
Technology Nights: 2 sessions scheduled, total participation 0.

Special Events

July 12th – 10:30am “Small World Magic Show” in Nipmuc Auditorium, funded by Upton Cultural Council, attendance 72
Every Friday – drop in craft activity, attendance average 16 each session for 5 sessions.

Upcoming Events in August
August 1st – Lisa and Matthew at Evergreen Training CMWARS
August 20th – Saturday 10-1, Summer Reading Finale with project displays and free icecream from JJ’s
August 24th – Lisa and Matthew at Evergreen Training CWMARS

Plans for Next Month
1) Summer Reading Finale.
2) Evergreen Training.
3) Finish and submit ARIS forms.

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